開催概要 Program Outline
- 日時 Date & Time:2022/10/29(土) 9:00~13:00 Saturday, Oct 29, from 9:00-13:00
- 場所 Place:旧村上邸 – 鎌倉みらいラボ –
Murakami Residence-Kamakura Mirai Lab
- アクセス Access:
- 参加対象 Participants:合気道無限塾の生徒 Students of Mugenjyuku Aikido schools
- 費用 Fee:演武参加者 大人4,000円/人、3,500円/人 , Adults 4000yen, student, Kids 3500yen/student (fees are applied for participating members only.)
目的 Objectives
テーマ「表現」 Event Theme : Expression
- 合気道の理合を効果と流麗さで表現し、合気道の理解を一層深める To entice students to express the rationale of Aikido by demostrating its impact and the elegant movements, while further deepening their understanding of Aikido.
- 日頃の稽古を支えてくれている関係者の方々への感謝の気持ちを、演武の成果で表現する To present the students’ outcome of their practices and express their appreciation for all the people who support their daily practices, including the instructors and their families.
当日のスケジュール Time table